Wednesday, December 30, 2009
2 days before year end...2009
ermmm.... how time flies so fasttt... sedar x sedar dh end of 2009... byk jgk laaa plan utk 2009 yg tercapai... so yg mane blom tercapai, dh siap sedia nk bring forward to 2010 plak... salah satunyer, nk beli rumah plak... syiok wooo ader umah sendirik.... tp yg plg penting mak aku soh aku kawen dulu...ekekee... xpe mak, dun worry... aku akan bekerja keras carik calon 10 org utk mak pilih jadik menantu kesayangan..bukan menantu hantu! :D
td blk keje truss shoot pegi klcc..layan chipmunk 2... bestttt siotttt! rasenyer dr awal hingga akhir mmg besttt...sedar2 citer nk abiss dh...haihhh...cpt btol abiss, x puas tgk pon lg... adakah akan repeat next year?? we'll see..ngeh3...
blk umah plak lyn mekdi prosperity... haishhh..caner laa x gemok neh... owhh luper.. azam thn dpn, nk kuwuss sket... byk plak lemak2 tepu bertempek kt situ sini..haishhh...buruk nor ropernyer.... tp xpe, yg penting happy!
bln pertama new year, well.... kami akan ke sabah!!!! yeahhhh!!! sabah, here we cumm!!! ooopppssss...silap... HERE WE COME!!!!! hahaaa.... sape penah pegi sabah?? angkat tgn!!! ape yg best kt sane selain snorkel? aaaa...jgn luperletak reminder bwk 2piece..ekekee... (percayalah..aku xde pon set bikini tuh...nmpknyer kene gi carik satu laa..hahaa)
plan lg satu nyer nk bisness online... nk jual ape eh?? mengikut perkiraan, jual org plg cpt kaya..mwahahaa.. kiddin'.... theres a few plan on my mind... so, kene pk betul2 dulu... bajet?? tu lg satu... kene saving laaa sket2... nnt kalo dh okey, bley rolling bisness plak... i loike the idea lah! sambil2 cari extra money...
hurmmm...what else eh?? mane nk sambut thn baru?? owhh...kt kg... nk buat kenduri kesyukuran... pastu mintak tok imam tu mandikan aku..mandi munga...ekekee.. joking... nk buat kenduri kesyukuran kerana masih dipanjangkan umur, dimurahkan rezeki pd thn nie... alhamdulillah... semoga thn2 akan dtg akan lebih baik dr thn2 yg sebelumnyer....
masa utk berubah? hurmm..insyaallah... aku jgk manusia biasa yg perlukan perubahan baik utk diri, keluarga & masyarakat... one fine day insyaallah... semoga Allah sentiasa pelihara aku ke jln yg benar...aminnnnn....
pjg lerr plak bebel nk abih thn nie eh? hikssss... so guys, ape azam thn baru korg plak???
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Infatuation may seem like love, and it is often intense,
but there are several important differences.
Understanding the diferences between love, lust and
infatuation can save you a lot of pain in relationships
and help you to know when it really is love.
Unconditional love is deviation based on commitment
and unselfish concern for one another. It freely accepts
another in loyalty and seeks his or her good.
Love is patient.
Lust is an intense sexual desire or appetite, an
overwhelming desire, as in lust for power. A sexual urge
or physical impulse.
Infatuation is an unrealistic or extravagant love or
admiration appealing to the sense and impulses, sometimes
called lust. Infatuation may be the initial attraction
that will, with time and commitment, grow into a mature
and unconditional love.
“Love waits. Lust wants. Love can’t wait to give what is
true and honorable. Lust can’t wait to take. Love mends.
Lust hurts. Love is secure. Lust is selfish. Lust ends.
Love lasts.”
Monday, December 7, 2009
The 11 worst reasons to get married?

The worst reasons to get married to anyone, ever.
1. Did not want to be single anymore
2. Thought my partner was the best I could do
3. Thought I could change some aspect of my partner
4. Felt family pressure
5. For financial reasons
6. There was an unplanned pregnancy
7. To escape my family
8. Figured I could make it work
9. Partner pressured me
10. Wanted to have children
11. It seemed like the next logical step
Marriage is suppose to be an honorable thing but most people picked some of the reasons above to get married.That is why most marriages end in divorces.People should learn to be honest with themselves and do the right thing.
Happiness in marriage is more than just finding the “right” person. It is a deliberate act of will: noble, selfless, disciplined, and, in the end, blissfully fulfilling, far beyond anything mere romantic dreams of effortless love have promised you.
5 Secrets For a Happy Marriage.
1. Respect
2. Courtesy
3. Unique Individuality
4. Be a Cheerleader
5. To Thy Own Self Be True
Saturday, December 5, 2009

Arwah baru saja melahirkan putri sulung smlm... Akibat jangkitan dr demam denggi, arwah terpaksa dimasukkan ke ICU HKL sehingga saat terakhir.... Saya melihat arwah berusaha berjuang melawan penyakit utk meneruskan hidup baru disamping suami & puteri sulung.... Tetapi Allah lebih sayangkan arwah... Betapa berat mata melihat, berat lagi bahu yg memikul kesedihan ini... Ibu, ayah, suami, saudara mara, sahabat handai semua disisi mendoakan kesejahteraan tetapi takdir sudah menetapkan sehingga hari ini sahaja....
Suasana pilu menyelubungi ruang ICU HKL..... Apa yg terdaya hanyalah memanjatkan doa semoga arwah ditempatkan dikalangan org2 yg syahid dan beriman... Semoga puteri arwah dipanjangkan umur dan dielakkan dr sebarang penyakit...Insyaallah....
Sekadar ingatan utk yg masih bernyawa, sentiasalah muhasabah diri... Sebelum tidur, ampunkanlah segala kesalahan2 yg pernah dilakukan terhadap kita...Halalkan makan minum.... Terbit keinsafan dihati saya melihat kekuasaan Allah s.w.t.... Apa yang saya harapkan, semoga saya akan sentiasa berusaha menjadi seorang yg lebih baik dan sentiasa mengingati hakikat kematian... Kita tidak tahu bila dan dimana kita akan dipanggil mengadap-Nya tetapi sentiasa bersiap sedialah...
Buat arwah, saya doakan arwah ditempatkan dikalangan org2 yg beriman... Semoga keluarga arwah tabah menghadapi dugaan dari-Nya... Di sebalik kegembiraan bakal2 pengantin (musim org kawin nie), ingatlah pd yg telah tiada... Berhati2 dan berdoalah semoga dipanjangkan umur, dipermudahkan segala urusan dan mohonlah kepada Yg Maha Esa....
Al-Fatihah... Aminnnnn.... Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas arwah....
Nota kaki: Bagi pihak arwah, jika arwah ada salah silap pd sesiapa, maafkanlah... Halalkan makan minum juga... Semoga arwah tenang disana... :(
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Kenapa Lelaki Cepat Benar Berubah?

Lelaki tidak pernah cukup dgn SATU kah? Aku blom melalui peringkat perkahwinan dan ditinggalkan suami or tunang... tetapi org2 sekeliling yg aku kenal dan org2 yg rapat dgnku ada yg mengalaminyer.... Yg makin membuatkan aku tidak percaya dgn hakikat perkahwinan... Apa guna berkahwin jika hanya utk disakiti? Apa guna perkahwinan jika nasib si isteri dicampak2, ditendang2 leh suami sendiri? Apa guna juga berkahwin jika si isteri melalui kesukaran sendiri? Utk apa perkahwinan spt itu??
Melihat sang suami yg penuh kepura-puraan di hadapan keluarga bg menutup keburukan & busuknyer perangai si suami terhadap isteri sendiri membuatkan aku teringin mau pijak2 si suami... Jika sudah tiada syg dihati, PULANGKAN pd keluarga si isteri... Tak perlu berpura2 bahagia, hakikatnyer isteri makan hati berendam air mata mengenangkan pe'el setan si suami.... Apakah kekurangan isteri? Berbincanglah mencari jln penyelesaian! BUkan keluar mencari betina! Aku pantang pd org ketiga yg boleh menyebabkan keruntuhan masjid org lain... AKu cuba utk tidak menjadi perempuan spt itu...
Melihat org2 yg terdekat melalui kegagalan perkahwinan disebabkn si lelaki curang mmg membuat darahku mendidih...sementelahan pula melihat org yg plg rapat juga pernah melalui kegagalan rumahtangga... buat aku keliru...takut... bimbang... berfikir byk2 kali utk berkahwin....
Penyebab keruntuhan rumahtangga pelbagai... Tp aku hanya fokus pd kecurangan si suami... Bukan tiada isteri yg curang...ADA tp tidak seramai lelaki... Pernahkan lelaki bertanya kenapa perempuan juga cenderung utk curang? Mungkin kerana ego kamu? Mungkin juga kerana indah kabar dr hakikat sebenar? Fikir2kanlah lelaki..... Sekali kamu aniaya wanita a.k.a isteri sendiri, hanya Allah yg mampu membalasnyer... Semoga suami2, tunang2, kekasih2 di luar sana berusaha utk menjadi yg terbaik terhadap pasangan masing2...
Tiada kaitan dgn sesiapa di sini..sekadar luahan perasaan terhadap sikap si lelaki hidung belang...
Nota kaki: Wahai kaum lelaki, sayangi & kasihilah isteri, tunang, kekasih kamu sepenuh hati.. Jgn sesekali terfikir utk mencuba kerana akibatnya amat dahsyat....Hindari org ketiga kerana amat merbahaya utk kesihatan kamu.. pesanan dr penaja :D
Saturday, October 17, 2009
akhir2 nie jgk, mental asik x betul jerk..apakah sindrom2 penuaan? iskk kata, (nie org kata laaa).... kalo mimpi ular nie ader kaitan ngan pasangan @ jodoh.... lately, asik mimpi kene patuk ngan ular..giler sakit...dh ler mmg takot ular dr kecik...inikan mimpi kene patuk...adoiiiii....
hey u...its been so long since the last time we met...errr,hows life? where shud i start eh? i have sumthin to tell but i dunno..maybe im afraid of losing u too...hmmm, i think i shud tell when it started to happen....
its been so long time ago since the first time i got crush on u but i just let it stay in me... time passes by but im stil here...keep it with me without telling u n anyone else...that time, i think its just a teenager's kindda feeling...its normal when we were young we got crush on sumbody... now,its been like years n i still have the sparks on u.... tryin to divert the feelings i had to others, sumtimes i did it but most of the time, it wont last until i dunno anymore how to avoid it from bursting from my chest....
eventhough we were far apart, sumtimes we did keep in touch...telling stories & lies as well..hahaa..i stil remember every single things that we did before... when i need a shoulder to cry on,its u came to the rescue...when i need sumone to hang out with, its u again i looked for. when i had sumthin to share with, its u the one i want to share with. when i felt lonely, its u i missed the most! i know its kindda crazy but i think u drive me crazy already...
just, i dun know either to tell u or to hush that feelings away... arghhhh...i feel so damn crazy... i want u but im afraid u dun feel the same way that i do... i want to leave u but i dun know yet how u feel about me...camno tuh? gila laaa aku nnt..... or is it okay for me to hush the feelings away slowly? so that he dun know im leaving him and start looking for a new love? im just cracking my headlah rite now....
or, shud i just sit back quitely and hoping that he will get the vibe? nie lg giler....dh spuloh thn dh aku tggu dier dpt that vibe...sadis betol....
Friday, September 4, 2009
Hantu Raya Nak Sampaikan Pesan Sket neh... :D
Arini genap 13 hari umat Islam xler sumer posa penuh 13hari kowt...hikss.. bulan puasa nie,seronok sbb dpt blk keje yg x thn tu,jem gilerr x hengat...tu la yg plg x syok dok KL neh...kalo laa bley terbang,huhhh lame dh buat...x pyh sesak2 kt jln raye tuh....
aaaaa...tu kt atas ader video antu raye...kwn kiut plak antu tuh..siol jerk..dh kene ikat pon lg mau ugut2 nk kaco lps raye nnt...haippp...
ermm...persiapan raye boleh laaa sket2...skrg br teringat psl sampul duit raya, kad raya, duit raya nyer blom tukaq lagi...adoiiii....mintak2 abah bwk sok sampul duit raya & kad raya yg kami kirim ptg td....lame dh x antar kad raya...zaman skolah dulu2,rajin laaa nk antar...skrg nie sumer pakai virtual jerr....dh xde dpt kad dh...mmg oldskool giler tp sentimental value tu yg penting......
baju raye?? hehee...seb baik tukang jahit amek lg...ihihiii...
*baju rayaku 3 pasang...seb baik tukang jahit nk amek lg...hikss*
td sambil2 layan tv, tipon mak kjp... sgt sakit ati dgr mak citer.....nie psl org yg busuk hati...hati berulat....eeeeiiiiiii geramnyerrrrr........citernyer mcm nie....
adik guwe diminta kuar dr umah dier menyewa skrg tanpa sbb...nk kate adik x byr sewa,x penah miss...pehtu umah tu mase awal2 masuk sgt laaa mcm umah usang dh kene tgl 3,4 bile adik masuk, abih dier gi cat baru...baiki mcm2.... skrg nie, org yg deal umah tu mintak dier kuar tanpa sbb...dh ler adik tu br lps pantang...tgl pon berdua jer ngan anak dier psl hubby dier keje kt HSZ Terengganu...sorg kt spital Muadzam Shah, sorg kt Ganu....
macik mongok tu x kesian ker....mmg xde ati perot, usus, limpa betol lah...kalo ko nk naikkan sewa,ckp jer...x yah laa bg mcm2 alasan..pehtu biler mintak no tipon tuan umah sbb nk diskas,ader ker bg alasan plg hanjeng?? xde no tipon tuan umah....mcm bab* jerrr.... guwe saket ati neh sama itu macik bongok! mmg nk kene dier neh.....
macik mongok, tggu laaaaaaaa.... kite buat perhitungan! (mcm lerr macik tuh bace blog neh...haha)... guwe sgt gerammm skrg nie..kalo lerr muadzam tu dkt2,mmg guwe dh gi pijak2 macik tuh...toreh2 muke dier...pehtu bakar.....gggggggrrrr....gilerr ganaz imaginasi...huhuuuu....
seb baik bln posaa...sabar lg neh.....astagaa...muger2 adik tabah di sanaa... kalo guwe jmpe maciktuh, mmg dier dpt ayat neraka laaaa......ggggrrrr
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Hari ke 5 Berpuasa....
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Ya Nabi Salamun Alaika
Friday, August 21, 2009
Malam Pertama
Malam ini merupakan malam pertama solat sunat tarawikh.....
Tadi saya berpeluang menunaikan solat tarawikh berjemaah di surau apartment...walaupon tak ramai tp syukurlah kerana dekat dan mudah utk kami bersolat...tanpa perlu keluar ke masjid @ surau2 di tempat lain.... saya tgk ada ibu bapa yg membawa anak2 mereka utk bersolat.... bagus...alhamdulillah kerana niat pacik2 macik2 tu murni yg menjadi masalahnyer bile kanak2 itu mengganggu dgn berbuat bising, berlari-lari,terjerit2 ketika kami sedang bersolat.... drpd dtg utk mendapat keberkatan,saya khuatir tidak mendapat apa2....
Apalah salahnya jika kanak2 itu ditinggalkan di rumah bersama abg kakak mereka dr dibawa ttp mengganggu org bersolat? Jika tiada tmpt utk ditinggalkan, macik2 tidak wajib utk dtg berjemaah,bolehlah juga bersolat di rumah. Pd pandangan saya,begitu lebih baik dr membawa anak2 yg akan hanya berbuat bising ketika jemaah sedang bersolat....
Monday, August 17, 2009
Mandi bunga (Floral Baths)
Mandi bunga (Floral Baths) are practiced by the Malays, Chinese and Indians in Malaysia. As with the different cultures, the methods of the mandi bunga also varies.
The mandi bunga is performed to dispel bad luck (bad vibes) - "buang sui" or "buang sial". The rationale is that once a person is void of bad luck, he's able to attract good fortune.
Kaffir Lime (limau purut) and pomelo (the Chinese grapefruit) leaves are commonly used ingredients in the mandi bunga ritual.
The Chinese believe that pomelo leafs dispel bad luck. The Chinese has been practicing mandi bunga for centuries - when one is feeling unwell, or facing hardship and misfortunes or even when one is in need for better luck, he/she should wash his/her hands, face or take a bath with boiled pomelo leaves with water.
The Malays and Indians believe that bathing with kaffir lime can dispel evil and bad luck. The fruit is cut and blended with plain water and then bathe with as part of spiritual cleansing to "buang sial".
"Limau purut", the Malay name for kaffir lime, or its scientific name citrus hystrix is of the rutaceae family.
Over the years different variants of mandi bunga have emerged transcending cultures. There is a practice of having a bath fusing both kaffir lime and pomelo leaves together.
Another variation is to select one flower for every color of the rainbow. It doesn't matter what type of flower it is, and it need not have a fragrance. Different colour flowers are used because in Tibetan Buddhism it is believed that each color carries a specific energy or vibration. Healing using colors is 'supplementary' to other types of healing.
First, run your bath water. Then, add whatever other ingredients you desire into the bath - it could be pomelo leaves and kaffir lime. Lastly, place the flowers in your bath water with their stems on; or, you can pull off the petals and place only the petals in the water. Don't place the flowers them directly under the water. Instead just sprinkle them around the entire tub.
Leave the flowers in the water for at least 15 minutes prior to your getting into the bath. After soaking the flowers for 15 minutes, completely soak yourself and stay in the water for at least 15 minutes - you can even completely submerge yourself in the water. After the 15 minutes, you can either choose to remain in your flower bath or you can get out.
Once you're out of the flower bath, take a cool shower. It doesn't matter if you use soap or any other products to shower. :)
In some feng shui practices, kafir lime leaves are also used is space clearing.
There is, however, no scientific evidence as to how effective these baths are in achieving the desired result or if they do really work. What we know is, that these baths have been practiced for generations and could be nothing more than a case of mind over matter - a placebo. Whatever it is, there is no harm trying - at least it is refreshing.
Despite what is said about Asian rituals, such as, it not being congruent with western science - there is no way to explain the Asian concept "heaty" and "cooling" with reference to western science, but the practice has been proven to effectively cure minor ailments like flu, coughs, colds, fevers etc, nevertheless. Similarly, whilst the effectiveness of mandi bunga cannot be proved with reference to western science, it may nevertheless work.
P/S: JOMMMM MANDI BUNGAAAA! (jgn mandikan Bunga si Ashraf tu udahh lerr...huhuuuu)
Friday, August 7, 2009
How to ask your Boss for a salary increase..?
Dear Bo$$
In thi$ life, we all need $ome thing’$ mo$t de$perately. I think you $hould be under$tanding of the need$ of your worker$ who have given $o much $upport including $weat and $ervice to your company.
I am $ure you will gue$$ what I mean and re$pond $oon.
$incerely Your$ ,
Marian $hih
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ----
The next day, the employee received a nice reply like this :
Dear Marian
I kNOw what you have been working very hard. NOwadays, NOthing much has changed. You must have NOticed that our company is NO t doing NOticeably well as yet .
NOw the newspaper are saying the world`s leading ecoNOmists are NOt sure if the United States may go into aNOther recession. After the NOvember presidential elections things may turn bad.
I have NOthing more to add NOw. You kNOw what I mean.
Yours truly,
Finance Manager
Note: Just for laugh... :))
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Boringnyerrrrr arini.....

adehhhhh...rase nk pengsan mcm kuncen neh jerk....sangap gilak! sumer kroni2 garang xde arini....huwaaaaa!!! kesangapan thp dewata raya neh! hoiiiii blk laaa cpt dr FRIM tuh! den sowang2 jerk kt opis neh...buhsannnnn.... boss plak coti2 Aussie sminggu...gilerr merdekaaa tp xde dier cam x beshh plak...xde org kelam kabut pgl soh check emel, xde org kelam kabut soh edit manuals....etc....blablabla.... boss, i mish u laaa....hiksss!
pehtu gi melawat tapak2 ngomelan 360, apsal guwe nyer blog cam goblok jerr eh?? owhhh roper2 nyer diorg yg otai2 sumer neh dh cat baru umah2 depa...guwe jerk x cat lagik...aduiii....sadisnyer nenok umah nk cat baru x pandai laaaa.... bukanlah guwe buta IT, cume nyerr lembsss guwe akan blaja bersunggoh2 nk cat baru.... sempena Aidilfitri nan kunjung tiba lg 2 bln...huhuuu...muger2 umah baru nnt dpt lerrr cat yg comey2 mcm umah org len jgk! nmpknyer kene nuntut ilmu ngan kak yaya or kak adzra lah gamaknyerrr.... weeeeeeee :D
Thursday, July 30, 2009
A Luvly Trip To Bandung
hey y'all....hahaaa....den mggu lps br blk dr bandung.....syiokk woo pegi sane...sopink x hengat punyaaa.....abishh sumer duit siap topup pakai duit bank dulu tu bayor sumer hasil2 rampokan kt sane....gilerrr laaa murah brg2 kt sane weihhh.... walopom x byk utk diri sendrik, tp rase puas sbb dpt share hasil2 rampokan ngan family and kwn2 opis, kwn2 lame....... sgt terujaaa!! nk pegi lagik!! tp kalo pegi lagi, mmg nk gi sopink jerr keje nyer...nk round pasar baru dr pagi smpi pasar baru tutop kedai...ngehhh3.......
hasil2 rampokan byk x sempat nk amek gambo...kain2 sumer dh antar pegi tukang sgt puas ati sbb kain2 tu sumer chantek2 n sgt2 murah...kat Mesia xde nyer nk dpt rege mcm tu....
wahhhh....melaram sakan lerr den thn nie....hihiiiii.... pehtu tgk kain chantek2 tu, terpk nk buat baju tunang ker, nikah ker trusss.... PERSOALANnyer skrg, calon pon tadak camno???? huwaaaaa........ *nanes*
mak, sabor yerrr....anak mak nie mau enjoy her single life dulu.....nnt2 dh sampai seru tu, dpt lerr menantu ke 6 nnt...hiksss...sabau yer mak! adoiii...mampu ckp kt sini jer laaa....mau kene bebel lagik kalo ckp dpn2 mak neh...huhuuu......
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
The Climb
The struggles I’m facing,
Saturday, May 23, 2009
its a very luvly day....


Sunday, May 17, 2009
I was shocked!!!
We went to Ampang Park for karoke session! yeayyy! lame giler x meronggeng beramai2.... Its really fun to get along together just like before but sumthin DEMMM happened! Bro, i regard u as my CLOSED fren and furthermore like my family but i was shocked when u pointed ur middle finger right to my face! bravo! u did made me cry.. I never expect sumthin like tat from u especially when i regard u as my bro,CLOSED fren ever...
~ Did u think 1st b4 u did it? If u regard me as ur fren, I think u wudnt do tat!
~ Did u think how wud i felt? For a 10 years frenship, u dare to point it to my face? (which i didnt notice at all what did i do)
~ I dunno whether i can regard u as my bro again...sorry bro...
Bro, i can forgive but i cant forget.... Tats why dont just simply get emotional coz u dunno if u did hurt others' feeling! I dunno but I was hurt...demmmm hurt! Hati guwe tercalar beb!
I am emotional coz I never tot that I wud be treated like tat.... No worries bro, I have no grudge on u but I just cant forget it.....
P/s: I think u shud realize it from now on b4 its too late! Gudlak for ur future bro! Peace No War!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
ermmm….adiah dh kasik last week….terasa nak hugss mommy lah…. biler susah ati jerk,igt kt mak….biler susah jerk,igt mak…tp time senang pon, igt mak jgk! ishhh….rase cam nk terbang blk kg skrg jgk!! uhukkk3….mak,anak mak nie windu mak manyak2! kalo laaa bley tobang,skrg jgk den tobang! sapa ada kapal tobang??? nk pinjam leh?? huhuu....
Monday, May 4, 2009
wiken yg panjang....
ermm...sempena Mothers Day neh, ape adiah kwn2 kasi mak korg erk?? Along dh kasi bracelet, ermm angah,x tawu lg, abg chik pon xtawu lg, alang?? ermm...x tawu jgk...adehhh...den dh kene poww siap2 dh...psl mak kate susah bebenor nk blk...yekaa?? mcm x jerk...tiap2 bln ader jer blk...haishhh...
tu haaa tibi yg mak cheq poww cheq.....ensem tv neh...slim fit gitu
aper lagik yerk...haaa...pehtu smlm stuck kt karak sejam...maww tercabot tempurung lutut neh...alangkah bahgienyer kalo ader jet peribadi ker...driver ker...ooohhh indahnya donia..... :-)
Monday, April 13, 2009
i'm cool... :-))

Thursday, April 9, 2009
saya terasa syahdu hari ini....


*** maha kejam cinta....
haishhhh.....naper laa arini asik sedey jerk......biler nk hepi2 neh? huhuuuu.... lately mengong jerk rase....x abih2 crush...pehtu hati berdarah....mencik tul! kalolah bley bertukar jadik transformer ker, spongebob ker, doraemon ker...musti xde nk pk2 masalah neh....mencikk...mencikk!!!!
patotkah saya tepon abg customer service?? hik hik...keje gilerr kalo tepon dier neh..... biler sedey, rase nk shopping kerana shopping itu menggembirakan...walopon lps shopping rase nk nanes sbb duit abih lagik...huwaaaa.............
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
erkk..erkk...i..i... nak... erkk....
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
:: teddy bear + femes ames ::
yippieeee!!!! tiutnyer bear2 neh + cookies femes ames... thanks to Ms Kim Chow! I heart u lah! She gave me these things as appreciation for helping her while INTEC month...... hurmm.... sayang plak nk mkn cookies neh....chantek jerk dier wrapped......simpan dululah gamaknyer... :-)
Monday, April 6, 2009
:: Layzee Monday ::

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Saturday, April 4, 2009
pantas dan garang 4!
Friday, March 27, 2009
~ blues nyer..... ~
Monday, March 2, 2009
my weekend...muvee,bowling,mkn2
Friday, February 13, 2009
sELaMaT PaGi cINtA

Thursday, February 12, 2009
its a very hectic week i had....
ermmmm.....dok ting tong layan surat yg melambak neh...aduyaiii...kalo laaa ader doraemon kan senang...soh jerk doraemon kuarkan kotak magic dier.......
Monday, February 9, 2009
wiken lagik.....
Thursday, February 5, 2009
i'm single n available...hahah!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
merindu kepastian by art fazil
Andai kau menjadi pelangi